Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Can you give us tips on accomplishing really
difficult goals?
Yes, I'll try. The problem I have with your question
is the "really difficult" part. Why is the goal really
difficult? Is it difficult because you are having trouble
attaining it, say, like making a million in five years, or
is it difficult because the task itself is difficult, like
climbing a mountain on the north face, in winter, that
no man has ever done before?

So to answer your question, if it is difficult because
you are not attaining it, try to be creative, by breaking
large goals down. Maybe you can't 'make a million'
with the product or marketing method or sales team
that you have currently. Look at every angle.

The key of course, is concentrated visualization, so
you will actually be able to 'see' in your imagination,
exactly how you will be able to accomplish the goal.
Once you can actually 'see' how to accomplish the
goal, you keep programming the biocomputer until
you actually get the output you require.

For difficult goals that have never been
accomplished before, you need even greater control
over your imaginative skills. Houdini used to do this
when 'visualizing' illusions that he had never used
before. He used concentrated effort and eventually he
would be able to 'see' how he could create a certain
illusion. For climbing a mountain or some other task
you'd have to visualize every possible hardship and
danger. You'd have to do many' dummy runs' in your
biocomputer to ensure yourself of success.

You mentioned that you taught yourself welding,
how in actual fact did you do that?
In my motorcycle days I used to have a number of
workshops. I'd watch the welder and the mechanics.
They never gave me any formal welding training but I

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