Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

stopping and starting. I keep going at my task because
I can' see' clearly in my minds eye what it is that I am
trying to accomplish.'

You said that the minute we accomplish a goal the
biocomputer says "Mission Accomplished". What
does it do next?
Good question! It does exactly nothing. It sits
around doing nothing, waiting for its next assignment.
He puts his smoking jacket on, puts his feet up, has
caramel cake and long refreshing glasses of iced coffee.
This is the exact spot where most people slide down a
snake back to zero, because they start running on old
negative programs!

What you must do, every time you accomplish a
goal, is set new ones. The moment you hand over new
goals to the biocomputer he comes out of retirement
and starts work immediately, you don't even have to
pay him! This is the only way to move onward and
upward! Next!

It almost embarrasses me to bring this up, but I feel I
have to. Do you mean to tell us, that our
relationships with women are affected by our
biocomputer programs?
Absolutely. Are you sure we're not going over the
same ground here. If you keep telling yourself, over
and over again, 'She's too pretty for me,' or another
favorite, 'I just can't 'see' her dating me,' or I bet
you've run this program a few hundred times, 'I can
hear her turning me down.' There are hundreds of
programs that guys run over and over again in their
biocomputers and that input has to become output.
With programs like that in the biocomputer it would
be an absolute impossibility to make an approach and
ask the girl of your choice for a date. No way! That

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