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My name's Wayne, I'm a school teacher, I'm
absolutely delighted with what I've learned this
weekend. What else can you tell us about children at
school especially with regards to spelling?
Nice to hear you talk like that! I have spoken to
many teachers and most of them are very negative
about changing their ways because of the powerful
programs they have in their biocomputers. The
problem with having powerful programs, is that it
does not necessarily make them right. To answer your
question; to many children spelling is a visual process.
(Many children can actually' see' the words up on
their mental screens) To access the visual neurons in
the biocomputer you have to look upwards. In many
spelling tests at school, the children are told to keep
their eyes down so they can't cheat. Unfortunately that
stops them accessing visual material that is lodged in
their biocomputers. One of the quickest ways to get
children to learn how to spell, is to get them to write
the words up on a black board that is a little out of
reach. They are then forced to look upwards and they
can access the visual mode easily.

This weekend has tied up so many loose ends for me
all I wanted to say was thank you!
Thank you! Next!

Is it true people collapse businesses for the strangest
Yes I have seen people collapse businesses because
their programs said, "There's no way my partner has
earned his share of this business, I'll collapse it."
Someone confided in me that he collapsed a business
because his partner danced with his girl friend at a
dance; this was his way of getting even. It was
programmed. He was so upset by the experience he

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