Islam at War: A History

(Ron) #1


Unar, Caliph, 42–43
Unitarianism, 74
United Nations, 186, 192
United States: attacks on, 242, 251–52;
fatwahsagainst, 248–50; in the Gulf
War, 198–200
U.S. Marines, 198
Usama, 16–17
Uthman Azraq, 167–68

Valencia, 85, 87
Varthema, Ludovico di, 11
Vehbi Bey, Ali, 134
Venice: Bayezit’s battles with, 102; defeat
of, 98; struggles with the Ottoman
Empire, 144–45, 145–46, 151
Veniero, Sebastiano, 148
Vienna, siege of, 104, 107, 114–15
Vinizelos, President of Greece, 132
Vlad “the Impaler,” 100
von der Goltz, Feldmarschall von der,
Vovsi, E. (Soviet soldier), 195–96
Vrioni, Omar, 77

Wadi al Khaznadar, Battle of, 67
ibn Waffa, 237
Wahabbi Wars, 73–75
al-Wahhab, MuhammadÛAbd, 73–74
al-Walid, Caliph, 82
Walter of Mesnil, 238
warfare: as a duty, 216, 217, 243; in the
Koran, 1, 207–21; unconventional,
260; as a unifier, 208

War on Terrorism, 204
water, importance of, 188
weapons of mass destruction, 260–61
Wolseley, General G., 159
World Trade Center, destruction of, 200,
World War I, 128–29, 140, 188
World Wars, Muslim participation in,

Yaghi-Siyan, 39–40
Yakub Khan, 157
Yarmouk, Battle of, 29–30, 35
Yathrib city (Medina), 3–4
Yathrib tribe, 1–2
Yavlak Arslan, 93
year of delegations, 12–13
Yezdegird, King of Persia, 18, 21, 23, 35
Yezeed ibn abi Sofian, 26
Ypsilanti, Alexander, 76
Ypsilanti, Demetrios, 77
Yusuf (Moor), 85
Yves le Breton, 239–340

Zalaca, battle of, 85, 88
Zangi, Imad al-Din, 41–43, 47, 49, 173
Zarrar ibn al Azwar, 27
Zeid ibn Haritha, 25
Zeyd, 11–12
Zoroastrians: condemnation of, 214,
226–27; discrimination against, 229;
treatment of, 230–31
Zrinyi, Count Niklos, 105
Zumurrud, princess of Damascus, 42
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