Islam at War: A History

(Ron) #1

successions: disputed, 60, 101–2;
problems with, 78, 138
Sudan: army of, 165–66; under Egyptian
rule, 157, 159–60; under the khalifa,
164–66; Osama bin Laden in, 247–48
Sudanese Rebellion, 161–64
Sudoon al Ajami, 69
Suez Canal: attack on, 177; battles
around, 182; building of, 157–58;
fighting around, 130
abu-Sufyan, 8
suicide bombers, 242–43, 244
Sujah, Shah, 155
Sulaiman, 84
Suleiman bin Abdulmelik, Caliph, 143,
Suleiman I, “the Magnificent,” 103–4,
107, 109, 146, 148
Suleiman II, 117
Suleiman Pasha, 94
Suliman-el-Halepi, 73
Sunnis, 45
Suraj-ud-Dowlah, 60
Syria, 11–12, 25–26, 120, 183
Sziget, Siege of, 105

Taj al-Mulk Buri, 237
Taj Mahal, 58
Taliban, 200–202, 206, 226, 248
Tamai, Battle of, 163
Tamerlane: in Anatolia, 97–98, 106;
conquest of India, 53, 57, 62; sack of
Damascus, 68–69; threat of, 143–44
Tancred, Prince of Antioch, 236
tanks, use of, 184–85, 187
Tarik, Abu Zora, 81–82
taxes, 25; Byzantine, 25; on the
conquered, 221;jizyah(tribute), 11,
20, 27, 59, 214, 217, 225, 230–31;
Muslim, 33; refusals of, 16; as
religious policy, 227–28;zakah(poor
tax), 13
technological advances, importance of,
153–54, 168, 172, 257–58

Tel-el-Kebir, Battle of, 159
temples, destruction of, 55, 57, 59, 74,
75, 84, 224–26.See alsoidols,
smashing of
terrorism: Hamas view of, 245; historical
use of, 229; in Israel, 173; in the
Koran, 219–21; modern use of, 204,
205, 244, 252, 262
Tewfik Pasha, 158–59
Theodore, 31–32
Theodorus, 26
Thokoly, King of Hungary, 114, 115
al-Thumma, 143
Tiruri, Battle of, 55–56
Tlas, General Mustafa, 184
Toghtekin, Emir of Damascus, 236
Tokay, Battle of, 104
Toledo: Battle of, 86; capture of, 82;
capture of by Christians, 85
Tours, Battle of, 82–83, 88
Townshend, General, 130–31
Treaty of Berlin, 127, 135
Treaty of Kutchuk-Kainarj, 76
Treaty of Lapseki, 98
Treaty of Lausanne, 133
Treaty of London, 77–78
Treaty of Pruth, 117
Treaty of San Stefano, 127, 135
Treaty of Se`vres, 132
Trench, Battle of, 208
Tripoli, 146, 151, 222
Tripolitza, capture of, 77
Tughlak, Muhammad, 57
Tugrul Bey, 91–92, 106
Tulaiha, 17
Turan Shah, 64, 79
Turkish government, reforms from, 123
Turkoman, settling of, 96
Turks, massacres of after WWI, 131

Ukkasha, murder of, 17
Uluch Ali, 149–50
Umar, Caliph, 4, 28, 30–31
Umar ibn al Khattab, Caliph, 21
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