Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


Making Ground Rules

  1. Introduce the activity by saying that we want to make our training area a happy and safe one
    for everyone. Just as there are rules for driving or playing a game, we can also set rules for
    everyone here to follow.
    Encourage the children to formulate the rules.

  2. The list may look something like the following sample. If, however, it does not resemble this
    list, then the facilitator should suggest or add some of the rules and explain why.

    • Only one child speaks at a time.

    • Everyone get a chance to speak.

    • Come on time.

    • Everyone should participate and not only some.

    • Everyone should listen to the other person’s views.

    • Do not make fun of another.

    • Do not pass on secrets outside the training session.

    • Everyone should respect everyone else.

    • Treat everyone else equally.

    • Do not say bad words.

    • Do not hit anyone.

    • Never ask others about their HIV status.
      One rule could be that everyone should attend the sessions but circumstances may not always
      allow it. Life Skills Education Programs are beneficial over a period of time and preferably
      followed consistently. But the mobile and migratory life pattern of most of these children often
      makes that impossible.

  3. The facilitator tells the children that some rules are non-negotiable. These include
    confidentiality, the right of any person not to say anything and those names of others with HIV
    status or other sensitive information should not be given out. It is okay to say you know
    someone without mentioning her/his name while sharing that person’s behavior or opinion.

  4. Discuss with the children what should be done if any of the ground rules are broken. Fewer
    rules will be broken if the children buy into the ground rules and accept the rules as their
    internal values.

  5. Write the rules on chart paper. If the children can write, encourage them to write in their own
    handwriting. Display the rules in every session and encourage children to refer to them
    if necessary.

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