Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated)

(Grace) #1
 

of many a Chinese Buddhist. May it also change your view and
quality of life.

he ix aramitas

is doctrine teaches the practice of the Perfection of the Six
Virtues that will ferry one beyond the sea of immortality to
Nirvana. ey consist of the perfections of Giving, Morality,
Patience, Perseverance, Meditation and Wisdom which lead to

G (D) includes all forms of charity and the impart-
ing of Dharma to others.

M (S) which requires one to be ethical, to destroy
all evil passions through the keeping of the Precepts. Although
there are Ten Great Precepts which all Buddhists should try their
very best to keep each day, only the first five are better known or
kept by the average practitioners and they are:

  1. To abstain from killing.
    2. To abstain from stealing.
    3. To abstain from sexual misconduct.
    4. To abstain from lying.
    5. To abstain from intoxicants.
    6. To abstain from harsh speech.
    7. To abstain from slanderous speech.
    8. To abstain from covetousness.
    9. To abstain from hatred or animosity.

  2. To abstain from errorneous views.

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