Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated)

(Grace) #1

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P (K) which requires one to practise forbearance
to prevent anger from arising over the deeds done by ignorant

P (V) which develops vigour and strenuous ef-
fort in the practice of the Dharma.

M (D) which reduces confusion of the mind
and leads to peace and happiness.

W (P) which develops the power to discern reality
or truth.

e practice of these virtues will help to remove greed and
stinginess, anger and hatred, immoral living, confusion of the
mind and stupidity and wrong views. Together with the Noble
Eightfold Path, they teach one to live and practise the Buddha’s
teachings in order to reach the state whereby all illusions are de-
stroyed so that peace and happiness can be attained.

he iscourse on oving indness

Buddhism lays great stress on the practice of loving-kindness
(Metta) and compassion. is Discourse should serve both as a
mark of protection and as a subject for contemplation. It teaches
one how to practise the virtues which will benefit oneself and

  1. He who is skilled in his good and who wishes to attain the
    state of Calm should act thus:

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