
(Tina Sui) #1
Index 655

190, 191–2, 193, 206, 207, 212, 213,
219, 226–33, 241, 243, 295, 300,
309–10, 321; TA’s post-war letters
to, 332, 333, 348, 350–1, 357,
362–3, 419, 420, 436; TA’s referee,
189; TA’s sixtieth birthday, 470;
TA’s wedding, 233; thesis, 104;
‘Traditional and Critical Theory’,
259–60; cartoon, plate 18;
photograph, plate 17
Horkheimer, Moritz, 75
Horney, Karen, 389
horoscopes, 348
Hughes, Richard, 165
Husserl, Edmund: Cartesian
Meditations, 204; and Cornelius,
71, 72; Formal and Transcendental
Logic, 204; and Horkheimer, 74,
75; Ideas Pertaining to a Pure
Phenomenology, 79; Logical
Investigations, 79; and Negative
Dialectics, 435, 438; phenomenology,
120, 218–19; TA’s dissertation, 77,
78, 125; TA’s essays, 204–7, 234–6;
TA’s expertise on, 68, 123, 233;
TA’s Oxford study, 192–3, 220
Hütteldorf, 94

Ibiza, 56
ideology: concept, 155–9, 371
Imhoff, Hans, 477
impressionism, 219
In Search of Wagner (1952), 326
Independent Socialist Party (USPD),
132, 134
inflation years, 39, 69, 172
Institute of Social Research:
association with critical theory,
379; Authority and the Family, 201;
Benjamin Archive, 457; closing,
270–1; exile, 174, 175, 178, 196;
Festchfrift for Adorno, 426; and
Freud, 387–8; and Horkheimer,
155–9; inaugural lectures, 136–45;
legal advice, 408; London branch,
197; and Nazism, 174–7; New
York, 228, 237, 241, 255–67;
post-war building, 336; pre-Nazi
period, 132–45; reopening, 336;
and Sohn-Rethel, 222; and student

movement, 465; TA as European
representative, 228; TA’s
directorship, 326, 369, 377–8,
412, 422, 448, 466; Zeitschrift, see
Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung
intellectualism, 42, 83, 93
intellectuals: role, 262
Internationale Gesellschaft für neue
Musik, 87
Introduction to the Sociology of
Music (1962), 327
intuition, 78
Israel, 386, 413, 449, 452, 483
Italy, 39, 95, 176, 200, 308, 400–1,
436, 437

Jahnn, Hans Henny, 416
Jahoda, Marie, 246
Jargon of Authenticity (1964), 327,
Jarnach, Philipp, 45, 46
Jaspers, Karl, 342, 432
jazz, 51, 151, 153, 184, 199–203, 218,
223, 249
Jewish Labour Committee, 288
Jewishness: TA, 19–20, 24, 93, 94, 178,
373, 485; Frankfurt institutions, 70;
Jewish music, 178; Offenbach, 225;
TA’s grandfather, 3
Jews: anti-Semitism, see anti-
Semitism; Cultural League of
German Jews, 182; Frankfurt, 43,
44; genocide, 261, 308–9; German
guilt, 328; and Nazis, 169, 182–3,
241, 260–1, 286; reparation laws,
368, 369; in Würzburg, 13
Joachim, Harold, 189, 190
Johst, Hanns, 227
journalism, TA, 159–20, 373–4
Joyce, James, 277, 331, 358, 408, 469
Jung, Eduard, 38
Jünger, Ernst, 227, 331, 342

Kadelbach, Gerd, 373
Kafka, Franz: art, 277; and avant-
garde, 408; and Beckett, 358;
and National Socialism, 354, 360;
‘Notes on Kafka’, 353, 355; poems,
115; TA’s essays on, 353–5, 359,
362, 364; world, 99, 103, 231, 244
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