The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism (2 Vol Set)

(vip2019) #1

Rao, T. A. Gopinatha, 447

Rasa, 108, 170, 335, 363, 564 , 566

Rasayana, 564 – 565

Rasayana school, 28, 193

Rashtrakuta Dynasty, 231, 266,

331, 345, 565

Rashtriya Svayamsevak Sangh, 13,

104, 182, 254, 278, 283, 314,
407, 439, 454, 516, 565 – 566 ,
611, 619, 653, 679, 761

Rasik, 554, 566

Raskhan, poet, 566 – 567

Ras lila, 460, 463, 508, 567. See


Rat, 183, 354, 567

Rath Yatra, 13, 61, 164, 227, 323,

534, 537, 567

Rati, 568

Ratri, 568

Ravana, 13, 24, 69, 171, 173, 181,

188, 212, 290, 297, 317, 343,
387, 493, 539, 550, 557,
568 – 569 , 649, 653
family, 40, 63, 211, 366, 418

Ravidas, poet, 9, 36, 86, 88, 91, 100,

164, 494, 528, 553, 569 , 570,
596, 614, 705

Ravidas Jayanti, 227, 398, 569 – 570

Ravidasis, 569

Rawal, 78, 458, 570

Rawat, 570

Rawson, Philip S., 22, 34, 137, 420,

449, 583, 667, 676, 677, 761

Reciprocal dependence, 225, 570.

See alsoPhilosophy

Reconversion, 570

Redemptive Encounters(Babb),

121, 544, 605, 672

Reflectionism, 100, 487, 520, 570.

See alsoPhilosophy

Reincarnation, 571

Religion in India(Madan), 20, 63,

190, 294, 471, 530, 534, 535,
567, 575, 605, 773

Religion in Modern India(Baird),
58, 126, 179, 283, 307, 516,
544, 553, 575, 637, 682, 768
Religious Beliefs and Practices
(Mishra), 674
Religious duty. SeeDharma
Religious Encounters with Death
(Reynolds/Waugh), 46, 601
Religious law. SeeDharma;
Dharma literature;
Religious persecution, 293, 571 , 604
The Religious System of the
Mahanubhav Sect
(Feldhaus), 406
Renuka, 311, 571
Republic Day, 571
Reservations, 571 – 572
Reynolds, Frank E., 46, 601
Rg Veda, 10, 20, 69, 112, 156, 232,
245, 254, 288, 289, 295, 423,
497, 518, 536, 572 – 573 , 576,
586, 601, 682, 715, 737
hymns, 159–160
samhitas, 14–15
Rhythm. SeeTala
Right Hand Tantra, 573. See also
The Rise in the Religious
Significance of Rama
(Whaling), 552
Rishabha, 573
Rishi, 55, 573 , 574
Agastya, 13–14
Rishikesh, 199, 385, 407, 473,
573 – 574 , 636
Rishi Panchami, 93, 227, 574
Rishyashringa, sage, 174, 574
Rite of passage, 574
Rites of protection, 118, 146, 218,
428, 429, 471, 477, 527,
574 – 575 , 608, 613, 712, 780
Rivers, 7 sacred rivers, 134, 250,
298, 463, 603
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