Rock edicts, 63, 125, 366, 510, 575.
See alsoInscriptions
Rohini, 83, 166, 184, 575 , 595, 660
Roles and Rituals for Hindu
Women(Leslie), 768
The Roots of Ancient India
(Fairservis), 88, 300
The Round Dance of Krishna and
Uddhav’s Message
(McGregor), 460
Rowland, Benjamin, 366
Roy, Ram Mohan, 125, 148, 575 – 576
The RSS and Hindu Nationalism
( Jayaprasad), 566
Rta, 44, 289, 472, 576 , 741
Rtvij, 536, 576
Rudra, 188, 301, 576 , 577, 633,
649, 722
Rudraksha, 25, 244, 412, 576
Ekmukhi Rudraksha, 219
Rudranath, 340, 494, 576 – 577
Rudraprayag, 26, 416, 577
Rudra sampraday, 145, 577 ,
732, 760
Rukmini, 371, 518, 577
Rulers, Townsmen and Bazaars
(Bayly), 86, 444
Rupa, 136
Sabarmati Ashram, 263, 578
Sabarmati River, 578
Sacchidananda, 35, 578 , 584, 593,
604, 645, 706
Sachau, Edward, 28
Sacred ash, 578
Sacred sites, 578. See alsoTirthas
Sacred thread, 120, 187, 263,
314, 452, 578 – 579 , 614, 720,
722, 776
Sacrifice, 7, 15, 20, 29, 33,
122, 165, 323, 523, 536,
538, 579 , 629. See also
Animal sacrifice
agnishtoma, 16 – 17
bahiryaga, 79
blood, 341
Brahmayajna, 124
cult, 535–536
fire, 57
homa, 52, 186, 288 , 526
human, 41, 108, 139, 290 – 291 ,
335, 413
internal, 305
pitryajna, 513
tarpana, 228, 513, 691
Vedic origins, 16, 50, 60
Sacrificial rites, 722
Sadachara, 579 , 631
Sadasatkhyati, 223, 579. See also
Theory of error
Sadashiva, 579 – 580
Sadhana, 580
Sadharana dharma, 189, 580 , 593
Sadhu, 60, 580
Sadhubela, 580 – 581
The Sadhus of India(Gross), 61
Sadhya, 47, 581 , 721
Safai, 148, 581
Sagar Island, 239
Sagar, King, 44, 58, 95, 198, 238,
296, 365, 581
Sagar, Ramanand, 554 , 558
Sagara, 173
Sagara Dashanami, 581 – 582. See
alsoDashanami Sanyasis
Sages. See alsoPhilosophers
Agastya, 13 – 14 , 231, 296,
392, 455
Apastamba, 48 , 88, 192, 339, 640
Atri, 37, 40, 70 , 102, 112, 245,
357, 370, 426, 530, 574
Baudhayana, 48, 88 , 192,
339, 640
Bhrgu, 70, 102, 112 – 113 , 120,
245, 357, 574, 581
Brhaspati, 127 , 696
Dadhichi, 27, 163