SMRP BoK Review Workbook

(mmpvcentral) #1


Prior Preparation = Success

Have you read any of the resources below? What other resources would you
suggest as helpful for this review course?

M&R is full of jargon. To help manage some of that, there is a definition sheet
which you can find on the Glossary section of this workbook. If you are unsure
of a term, please consult the Glossary and review the term as this will likely be
present throughout the class and the CMRP exam.


This class will not cover every topic/question/scenario in the BoK or exam. The
exam is based on experience, and application of the tools and techniques. If
you did not read the books or study before this and you are new to M&R the
exam will be tough.

In this course, we will look at an overview of the SMRP BOK and discuss
application of each pillar in the site. Examples will be in real life applications
will be used.

Figure 2 : 5 Pillars of SMRP BoK

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