- What is the definition of a performance standard?
A. What the design specification of the asset
B. What the asset is operated at
C. What the user wants from the asset
D. What the user needs from the asset
- What is the best in class value for the % of planned work completed
in a facility?
A. >80%
B. >70%
C. >90%
D. >95%
- What is the best in class value for ready backlog?
A. <1 week
B. 1 - 3 weeks
C. 2 - 4 weeks
D. >4 weeks
- What is the best in class ratio of craftsman to planners?
A. 10:
B. 15:
C. 20:
D. 25:
- What is not part of an IEC complaint FMEA?
A. Failure Mode
B. Failure Cause
C. Failure Effects
D. Failure Mechanism
- What is meant by a leading key performance indicator?
A. An indicator that measures performance after the business or
process result starts to follow a particular pattern or trend.
B. An indicator that measures performance before the business
or process result starts to follow a particular pattern or trend.
C. An indicator that measures the primary focus of the
organization and is designed to lead the performance of the
D. An indicator that measures the performance of the
organization and sets the compensation increases.
- What is the definition of Reliability?
A. The probability of an asset being able to perform it’s expected
B. The probability of an asset being available to perform at any
given time
C. The time an asset is performing the expected function
D. The time an asset is available to perform the expected time
- What is ABC Classification?
A. A method of classifying materials based on usage and cost
B. A method of classifying materials based on impact to the site
C. A method of classifying materials based on lead time
D. A method of classifying materials based on impact and lead
- Calculate the reliability of the system in the
diagram provided assuming only 1 device is
required to fulfill the system requirements;
A. 88.7296%
B. 99.9969%
C. 99.8378%
D. 96.1133%