SMRP BoK Review Workbook

(mmpvcentral) #1


Process Reliability

Process Reliability is about understanding the manufacturing process, the
inputs, manufacturing activities, the outputs and all of the influences on the
process. It is able achieving a stable process and eliminating variation and
waste. It is also critical to understand whether the losses are due to poor
process control or poor reliability (see Figure 8 below to understand where
defects come from):

Figure 8 : Sources of Loss

Continuous Improvement Techniques are used to improve the above and
drive out waste and variation and include:

▪ TPM (Autonomous Maintenance)
▪ Kaizen

It is about understanding the losses and using a systematic way to
reduce/eliminate the losses.

Process reliability is a

method for identifying

problems, which have

significant cost reduction

opportunities for

improvements. It started

with the question: “Do I

have a reliability problem

or a production problem?”

Paul Barringer, P.E.

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