SMRP BoK Review Workbook

(mmpvcentral) #1

3. Post-Assessment (Double Jeopardy Style)


  1. Is a collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce a
    specific service or product

  2. An indicator that measures performance after the business or
    process result starts to follow a particular pattern or trend

  3. An indicator that measures performance before the business or
    process result starts to follow a particular pattern or trend.

  4. Availability % = {Uptime (hrs.) / [Total Available Time (hrs.) – Idle
    Time (hrs.)]} x 100

  5. TEEP (%) = Utilization Time % × Availability % × Performance
    Efficiency % × Quality Rate %

  6. Present and capable of emerging or developing but not now visible,
    obvious, active

  7. Configuration management is a systems engineering process for
    establishing and maintaining consistency of a product's
    performance, functional, and physical attributes with its
    requirements, design, and operational information throughout its

  8. Sort, Set In Order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain

  9. Is a lean-management method for analyzing the current state and
    designing a future state for the series of events that take a product
    or service from its beginning through to the customer.

  10. Cause& Effect, Check Sheet, Flow Chart, Control Chart, Pareto Chart,
    Histogram, Scatter Diagram

  11. 11%

  12. Age-related

  13. Infant mortality

  14. 1

  15. <1

  16. A system that is designed to capture the explicit knowledge of a
    company’s employees, contractors and other people working on-site
    on a permanent or temporary basis.

# Answer

  1. An essential organizational role that must establish a clear vision,
    communicate that vision to those in the organization, and provide
    direction, resources, and knowledge necessary to achieve goals and
    accomplish the vision.

  2. The organization and coordination of the activities of a business in
    order to achieve defined objectives

  3. Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement

  4. S1-High Directive & Low Supportive, S2-High Directive & High
    Supportive, S3-Low Directive & High Supportive, S4-Low Directive &
    Low Supportive

  5. Total Backlog

  6. Scheduling

  7. 30%

  8. Workforce skill and knowledge

  9. EOQ = sqrt((2DS)/H)
    Final Jeopardy
    Is a method in analytical chemistry that uses coulometric or volumetric
    titration to determine trace amounts of water in a sample.

B. Annex

1. Managing MRO Materials by ABC Classification

Materials, be that MRO or manufacturing-centric, are required to be classified
based on the criticality of the item so that Stores can determine the method
of storage and distribution, along with the necessity to stock on-hand
quantities, based on the significance of materials relative to business needs.
There are three common classes of materials which exist in every business:
▪ Class ‘A’ Material: These items represent nearly 60%-70% of the total
inventory value (TIV), but make up only 10%-20% of the on-hand
quantity. Class ‘A’ materials are often referred to as “critical” or
“insurance” spares as they are required by regulatory guidelines based
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