Urban Regions : Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

(Jacob Rumans) #1

262 The Barcelona Region’s land mosaic

Seven areas seem particularly appropriate as green-net areas (Color Figure44):
(a) Western Valles (San Cugat-Terrassa-Sabadell area); (b) Central Valles (Parets-
Caldes-La Garriga-Grenollers area); (c) Eastern Valles (Cardedeu-Canoves-Sant
Antoni de Vilamajar area); (d) Lower Anoia (see above); (e) Llobregat West (Gava-
Sant Boi to Sant Andreu); (f) Southwest Coast (Sitges to Segur de Calafell); and
(g) Maresma Coast (Badalona to Malgrat de Mar).
Compact rather than dispersed growth is the other key strategy in a green-
net area. A green net mainly follows the outer boundaries of municipalities.
Compact growth channels development in and adjacent to the existing, usually
central urbanized area within a municipality. For example, a small municipality,
Mollet del Valles, has concentrated urbanization in one portion of the municipal-
ity, thus protecting natural systems, productive agricultural land, and cultural
resources, and helping create a strong sense of community.

Municipalities for limited growth
Because of the proximity of regionally significant natural resources,
urbanization near certain cities and towns would be damaging and inappro-
priate (Color Figure44)(Forman 2004a). For example, to maintain the prime
soils and integrity of the large agricultural landscapes of the region, very lim-
ited growth adjacent to the present built ‘‘footprint” of Calaf, Vilafranca del
Penedes, Tordera, El Prat de Llobregat, and a few other towns is appropriate.
Several towns around the edges of critical agricultural-production areas could
grow,but not toward the production area. Limited growth, either in total or in
aparticular direction, is also appropriate for municipalities that threaten the
natural resource values of emeralds and their interconnections, valuable stream
corridors, European-Community-listed habitats, water-supply reservoirs, and so
forth. In effect, limiting growth in key areas is just as important as focusing
growthin other areas, to provide for the future of the GBRegion.
Because of the exceptional resources and benefits provided, the Lower
Llobregat floodplain and delta represents the other area where very limited
or no growth is paramount (Forman 2004a). The floodplain and delta provide
thebest aquifer for clean water in the region, a rich agricultural park bene-
fitting numerous residents and city markets, the most important wetlands in
theregion, flood-buffering benefits, riverine wildlife and fish, a large open space
with vistas, clean air for city residents, and more. Today could be the last chance
to‘‘ permanently” establish those resources and benefits for future generations,
which are likely to need them even more. Catalunyans revere unique ‘‘patri-
mony places.” The combined Lower Llobregat floodplain and delta is a flagship
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