Urban Regions : Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Built areas and systems 263

Strengthening f loodplains, slopes, major food areas, and the emerald network
This section recognizes a set of diverse highly significant places in
theGreater Barcelona Region where most buildings are inappropriate (Forman
2004a). The absence of buildings on floodplains means less flood damage. No
buildings on steep slopes means fewer erosion and sedimentation problems,
reduced costs of infrastructure construction and maintenance, less home dam-
age from heavy rains or from fires sweeping up-slope, and less aesthetic degra-
dation of view-sheds. Quantities of high-quality grapes only grow on the Penedes
agricultural soil, which is much too valuable for growing houses. Similarly, most
buildings in emeralds or in their connecting ribbons degrade key values for nat-
ural systems and wildlife.
To accomplish the important objectives for the Greater Barcelona Region,
most structures on floodplains, steep slopes, agricultural landscapes, and the
emerald network need to be gradually removed. (Exceptions include certain
major historical/cultural structures, farm-related buildings, park-management
buildings, bridges/viaducts, and some roads.) A wide range of approaches from
incentives to regulations should be helpful in accomplishing success.

Rest of the region
Excluding the areas identified in the plan as being especially important
forthe future, the rest of the region remains as appropriate to accommodate
some growth and development. Constraints on development over this extensive
area are few and fairly obvious. Don’t build in floodplains or on steep slopes,
and avoid valuable habitats or damaging populations of rare species (normally
places to maintain natural woody vegetation). Do build wisely after thinking
both locally and regionally.

Transportation and industry
This section introduces several key dimensions of surface transportation
and different types of industry, with solutions outlined in three areas: (1) traffic,
public transit, and municipalities; (2) rail, trucking, highways, and wildlife; and
(3) industry: large, medium, and small.

Traffic, public transit, and municipalities
Rail lines and numbers of people transported appear to be lower in the
Greater Barcelona Region than in many comparable parts of Europe. Vehicular
traffic is expected to grow in the vicinity of cities worldwide, but with fewer rail-
roads, it could grow enormously in the GBRegion. Three strategies will helplimit

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