1.1 What is Chemistry?

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http://www.ck12.org Chapter 27. Glossary

27.3 C

A method of setting or correcting a measuring device by matching it to known measurement standards.

These cells have an abnormal structure due to the damaged DNA. In addition, they usually grow rapidly since
the normal control processes regulating cell growth have been changed by the altered composition of the DNA.

Has the general structure Cn(H 2 O)n. Can be classified in terms of chain length. Can be classified as monosac-
charides, disaccharides, or polysaccharides.

Material that speeds up the rate of reaction without undergoing any change itself.

The electrode at which reduction occurs.

Positively charged ion.

Celsius scale
Defines the normal freezing point and boiling point of water as 0°C and 100°C, respectively.

Charles’s Law
States that the volume of a given mass of a gas, with constant pressure, is proportional to temperature.

chemical change
A change during which the chemical identity of a substance is altered. Chemical changes are often accompa-
nied by a change in color, temperature, or odor, or the production of a gas or precipitate.

chemical equilibrium
The study of the forward and reverse nature of chemical processes.

chemical property
A property that describes the ability of a substance to undergo a specific chemical change.

chemical species
Atoms, ions, elements, compounds, etc that take place in a chemical reaction.

The science of the properties, reaction, composition, and structures of matter.
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