1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

27.3. C http://www.ck12.org

Contains a four-ring system with a hydrocarbon side chain.

The separation of a mixture by passing it through a medium in which the components move at different rates.
This can be done as a liquid solution, a suspension, or a vapor (as in gas chromatography).

Occurs when a hydrocarbon reacts in the presence of oxygen to produce water and carbon dioxide.

Ability to stick to itself.

colligative properties
Affected strictly by the amount of solute added and not the type of solute added.

collision theory
Molecules need to collide in order for a reaction to take place.

A mixture that is not totally homogeneous, nor totally heterogeneous.

combination reaction
Two chemical species combine to produce a new compound. The general expression for this reaction is A +

Substances with a constant composition that can be broken down into two or more elements by chemical

continuous theory of matter
It was thought that matter could be divided and subdivided into smaller and smaller pieces without limit.

conversion factor
Used in solving problems in which a certain measurement must be expressed with different units.

copper cycle
A series of chemical reactions where an initial amount of copper reacts with nitric acid, goes into solution,
and disappears. Then a series of reactions proceed, only to have the copper metal recovered. The copper cycle
is a good illustration of how mass is conserved in a given chemical reaction.

Involves the formation of an oxidized form of a metal by an electrochemical process.

covalent bond
Forms when two or more elements share electrons.

covalent compounds
Nonionic (not composed of cations and anions) substances that are comprised of nonmetals.
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