Weight Loss eBook_Patty 2_16_10

(Tina Sui) #1

on the above foods, you should consult with a healthcare practi-
tioner rather than attempting these dietary changes on your own.
You aren’t likely to see many changes in your health or well-being
unless you stick with these food modifications for at least one week,
so you need to feel comfortable in sticking to this restricted meal
plan for that amount of time. At the end of one week, you will want
to start re-introducing old foods back into your meal plan. I recom-
mend that you introduce only one food at a time, and that you wait
at least two days before re-introducing another food. I would also
recommend that you start with asparagus, avocados, beets, broccoli,
Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cucumbers, blueberries, watermelon,
flaxseeds, and quinoa when starting this food re-introduction
process since they are not as commonly associated with adverse
food reactions as some of the other foods you might have eliminated
from your meal plan.

After that, you will want to continue re-introducing other foods back
into your meal plan, on this same one-per-day basis and waiting at
least two days before you add the next food. While you are re-intro-
ducing the foods that you avoided during your week on the modified
elimination diet, try to notice any adverse reactions that you may
have. Try to pay special attention to any problems that prompted
you to experiment with food elimination in the first place. If these
problems return, it might be evidence that the newly re-introduced
food is not well-matched for your body’s metabolism and might be
worth avoiding in future meal planning.

If you do suspect any adverse reactions using this modified elimination
approach, you should definitely consider a consultation with a
nutritionist or other healthcare provider who has extensive experience
with food allergy. A more structured elimination-challenge diet
might also be important to consider. For more information on food
allergy and sensitivity, see page 719 of The World’s HealthiestFoods

Healthy Weight Loss — Without Dieting
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