Writing Music for Television and Radio Commercials (and more): A Manual for Composers and Students

(Ben Green) #1
Index !! 253

session fees, 9, 49, 215
78-rpm recordings, 31
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, 38
shakers, 112
shakuhachi flutes, 131–32
Shankar, Ravi, 38
sheet music, as commercials, 145
Sibelius (software), 41, 87
signal processors, 45–51
silence, 67, 76
Sinatra, Frank, 122
sitar, 38–39
skills, musical, 25–56
slogans, 3, 6–7
SMPTE.SeeSociety of Motion Picture
and Television Engineers
snare drums, 49, 52, 69, 92, 104
Society of European Stage Authors and
Composers (SESAC), 208, 215, 235,
Society of Motion Picture and Televi-
sion Engineers (SMPTE), 42, 55, 186
sociographics, 5, 58
Socrates, xi
solo button, 52, 93–94
sonata form, 68
sonic quality, 26, 69–70
sopranos, 140–41, 141
sound: design, 21, 80–81, 85–143,
196–97; effects, 23, 60, 90, 196–97,
201; replication, 28
soundalikes, 27, 31, 185
SoundExchange, 237
soundscapes, 26, 45, 52, 96
Spanglish, 33
Spanish-speaking communities, 32–34
speaker monitors, 53
specialist musicians, 34–35
Spector, Phil, 26
Spider Man,90, 156
The Spiderwick Chronicles, 181
Spielberg, Steven, 182
spotting sessions, 55, 172–73, 178, 244
staccato, 114–15, 121, 126, 195
Star Wars,90, 184, 185, 197
steal-o-matics, 5–6
Steely Dan, 29
Steinfeld, Jake, 176

stems (tracks), 88, 157, 199
Sting, 147
stings, 194
Stoffer, Julie, 190
storyboards: analyzing, 60–62, 61 ; art
directors and, 18; clients and, 57;
composers and, 11, 57–60; definition
of, 5–6; films and, 14
Strauss, Richard, 138
string sections, 92, 113–22
strumming, 99–100
studio: costs, 223; equipment, budgets
for, 44, 47; technology, 45–54, 91–92
Super Bowl, 77
Superman,184, 185
surround-sound, 52, 81, 184, 186, 191
sustain pedal, 80
swing music, 30
synchronization: licenses, 236–37; of
music and dancers, 10
synthesized instruments: basses, 79,
104; drums, 104–6; Moog synthe-
sizers, 81; pianos, 97; strings, 120–22;
synthesizers, 40–41, 96, 195

taglines, 3, 13, 84
talent, vii, 66, 86, 216
Tallarico, Tommy, 190
tambourines, 113
Tan Dun, 90
tape recorders, 44, 51, 55
target audience, 2–3, 58
teasers, 183
Teasley, Kevin Christopher, 181
television: advertising on, 15; budgets
for, 12, 14, 49–50, 159, 219–20; com-
mercials on, vii, 1, 21–24, 165; direct-
response television, 175; entertain-
ment forms for, 211–13; product test-
ing on, 6–7; trailers for, 182–83
tempos: click tracks and, 10–11, 41; lyr-
ics and, 150; meter changes and,75,
167; moods and, 60, 84, 90; sequenc-
ers and, 41–42, 243; tempo hits,72,
74, 82, 165–66
temp tracks, 22, 191, 217
tenors, 141–42, 142
ternary form, 68
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