Writing Music for Television and Radio Commercials (and more): A Manual for Composers and Students

(Ben Green) #1

254 !!Index

territory, 207
Tesh, John, 176
tessitura, 40, 89, 121, 157, 161
testimonials, 179
testing: beta testing, 205; of ideas, 7; of
products, on television, 6–7; of video
games, 205
textures, instrumental, 85
theatrical trailers, 181–88
themes, musical: commercials and, 37,
59, 67–68, 72–76; composers and,
193; films and, xi; opening themes,
179; sonata form and, 68; themes and
variations, 23, 68, 194; underscoring
and, 73; video games and, 194, 200
theory, of music, vii
threshold (volume), 49
time: codes, 54–55; compression, 44, 50;
constraints, 166, 195; signatures, 30,
68, 73–75, 156–57; timing, 3
timpani, 60, 106,106, 223
tips, for production, 157–58
tom-toms, 104–5
tone, of commercials, 2, 19
tracks: click tracks, 10–11, 41; leakage
of, 11; looped tracks, 26, 90; pilot
tracks, 165–66; prerecorded tracks,
88; rhythm tracks, 84; scratch tracks,
11; stems, 88, 157, 199; temp tracks,
22, 191, 217
trade magazines, 217–18
trademark protection, 218
trailers: on Internet, 181, 193; for televi-
sion, 182–83; theatrical, 181–88; for
video games, 206; on videos, 183
trance music, 26, 48, 79
transcription licenses, 236–37
transposition parameters, 50
trombones, 124–26,125, 126
trumpets, 96, 123–24,124, 195
truth in advertising, 83
tubas, 127, 127
turntable hits, 148

ud (flute), 37, 90
underscoring: commercials and, 8, 10,
165; compositional techniques and,
65–84; grooves (drum loops) and, 84;

Internet and, 211–12; jingles and,
149–51, 161; samplers and, 70,
78–83; themes, musical, and, 73
unions: benefits of, 9, 198, 221–22;
membership in, 155, 219–20, 225–26;
for musicians, 226–37; negotiations
and, 198.See alsoAmerican Federa-
tion of Musicians; American Federa-
tion of Television and Radio Artists;
Screen Actors Guild
unity, of mood, 23
U.S. Census Bureau, 32, 36
U.S. Copyright Office, 237

Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 86
Vertical Interval Time Code (VITC), 55
VHS, 55
vibraphones, 108–9,109, 201
vibrato, 48, 97, 108, 115, 121
video games: budgets for, 202–4; busi-
ness agreements for, 202–9; compos-
ing for, 193–201; compositional
techniques and, 199–200; copyright
laws and, 204, 207; emotion and, 200;
music for, 189–209; platforms for,
190–93; testing of, 205; themes,
musical, and, 194, 200; trailers for,
Video Games Live, 190
videos: budgets for, 173; corporate,
171–79; digitized video clips, 41–42,
54–55; made-for-the-Internet,
211–13; tape format for, 55; trailers
on, 183
vignettes, 21, 76
violas, 117, 117
VITC.SeeVertical Interval Time Code
vocals: compositional techniques for,
69–71, 89; distortion and, 154; jingles
and, 153–55; melodies and, 153–54;
recording techniques for, 48–49, 69–
71, 158; vocalists and, 159–60; vocal-
izing, 90; vocal ranges for, 140–42,
153, 160–61
voice-overs, 5, 165, 197–98
voices, 140–42, 153, 160–61
voicings, 40, 89
volume, 45, 47–49, 69, 154
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