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Lord." (5:72) -'The likeness of Jesus with God is tru-
ly as the likeness of Adam. He created him from
dust, then he said unto him: Be! and he was." (3:59)
According to the sacred Book of Islam, Jesus was a
Prophet of God---Sinless, pure and godly, like all
other prophets--but every bit a human being:
"He (Jesus) said: Lo' I am a servant of God. He
hath given me the Scripture and hath appointed me a
Prophet." (9:30)
The Islamic view is that the prophets, one and all,
were human beings, who by virture of their devotion
to truth and sinless life became worthy of being cho-
sen bv God as His messengers. They had made
themselves so completely one with God that every-
thing they said or did they carried out His Will. The
message which they gave to on was not their's but
God's. God conveyed His word to them, so that they
night shape their own lives according to it and be-
come models for their fellow-men. The Prophet Mu-

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