Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

This stretches the ligaments and tendons in the back of the legs. (No.

No. 41 Fifth adjustment
Sixth adjustment:

Retain the position of the fifth adjustment and turn the foot several
times in a large circle and then reverse. This helps to give relief to
bunions. Further relief may be made by holding the big toe and
forefinger with both hands (one on top of the other) and pulling
quickly with several quick pulls. The Hands
(No. 42)

There are as many reflexes on the hands as there are on the feet. Use
them as a supplement to the feet reflexes. Also pains in the feet are
relieved on the corresponding part of the hands. Under many
conditions where it is difficult to use the feet, the reflexes in the
hands work equally as well.

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