Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

Third Adjustment (left foot)
Third adjustment using left hand holding the heel and the right
grasping the foot firmly on top with the fingers wrapped around the
bunion joint. Place the left elbow on the left knee. Twist the foot
inward and under with the right hand while you press the center arch
against the spine reflexes of the left hand. Move the thumb up and
down the arch as you press on it. (No. 39).

No. 39 Third adjustment
Fourth Adjustment (either foot)
Grasp the foot firmly with both hands just below the metatarsal pad.
Press the toes down and the arch up and at the same time give
several strong pulls with a shake. (Jslo. 41)

No. 40 Fourth adjustment

Fifth Adjustment (either foot)
Hold the heel with the left hand and place the base of the palm of the
right hand against the metatarsal arch with the fingers curved over
the toes. Push on the arch without jerking, several times and at the
same time, pull the toes down. Straighten out the elbow as you push.

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