national center for complementary and alternative medicine five-year strategic plan 2001–2005

(Frankie) #1

head. Twelve main bilateral meridians correspond to
the 12 major organs—liver, spleen, heart, stomach,
kidneys, lungs, etc. Six meridians pertain to the blad-
der, gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, and large
intestine, and the Triple Burner (which regulates
overall body temperature) is related to the trans-
portation of food and fluids throughout the body.
Other meridians travel up the front midline of the
body and up the spinal column. Chinese practition-
ers believe imbalances, blockages, or disharmonies
along points of any of the meridians cause symptoms
of illness.

mesmerism The technique of “animal magnet-
ism,” named for its developer, Franz Anton Mes-
mer, which was a precursor to hypnosis.
See also HYPNOSIS.

Metamorphic Technique An approach to self-
healing and personal development through elimi-
nating limited beliefs about one’s potential and
patterns both physical and emotional that cause
these beliefs. Underlying the symptoms are corre-
sponding patterns of energy, and the metamorphic
technique acts as a catalyst to this energy (also
known as the life force), gently helping to trans-
form the negative patterns into positive ones.
The Metamorphic Technique originated in the
work of Robert St. John, a British naturopath and
reflexologist. During the 1960s St. John discovered
he could create significant effects by applying a
light touch to particular points on the feet that
reflexologists call the spinal reflexes. He then
developed the spinal reflexes approach in combi-
nation with the concept of innate self-healing abil-
ity and eventually called the entire process
Metamporphosis, particularly because the changes
experienced by clients appeared to be enduring.
Gaston Saint-Pierre, who studied extensively with
Robert St. John during the 1970s, further devel-
oped St. John’s work and called it the Metamorphic
Technique. In 1979 he set up the Metamorphic
Association, which was then registered as a charity
in 1984, to promote the technique worldwide.
The basis for the Metamorphic Technique, like
that of other alternative techniques, is that human

beings possess a life force or energy beyond the
physical constitution, and that energy may become
blocked or unbalanced in some way, causing illness
or injury or dysfunction. Moreover, the blockage
may be either physical or emotional, current or his-
torical, in origin. The Metamorphic Technique
practitioner seeks to repair illness-generating
energy patterns.
Acting as a catalyst for the client, the meta-
morphic practitioner uses a light touch on points
known as the spinal reflexes in the feet, hands,
and head while remaining unattached to any spe-
cific outcome. The Metamorphic Technique is not
a therapy or a treatment, since it is not concerned
with addressing specific symptoms or problems.
Practitioners do not require a personal or medical
history to perform this gentle, noninvasive, safe
technique. It can be used alone or complement
conventional or alternative medicine therapies.
No special training, abilities, or background are
needed in order to become a practitioner. Clients
who wish to transform their behavioral and emo-
tional patterns often seek the Metamorphic Tech-
nique as a treatment.
A session usually lasts about an hour. The recip-
ient removes shoes and socks and may either sit or
lie down. The practitioner uses a light touch on the
spinal reflex points in the feet, hands, and head.
Metamorphic Technique practitioners work in a
detached way: nonjudgmental, nonmanipulative,
relaxing, and energizing.
The Metamorphic Technique has been used a
great deal in work with physical and mental dis-
abilities, as well as in schools for children with
learning difficulties, in hospitals, in prisons, and
in practices that help people overcome addic-
tions, eating disorders, and stress-related condi-
tions. It is also used by pregnant women and
midwives, to help bring about an easier preg-
nancy and birth.
The Metamorphic Association offers these
guidelines on the technique:

  • A unique tool for personal transformation.

  • Not a therapy or a treatment, but a technique
    that helps trigger your own inner life force,
    enabling you to better realize your potential.

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