national center for complementary and alternative medicine five-year strategic plan 2001–2005

(Frankie) #1

  • Based on a new way of looking at energy pat-
    terns. While other approaches often focus on
    removing energy blockages, the Metamorphic
    Technique looks at transforming energy pat-
    terns. It does not consider people to be
    “blocked” or “broken” and in need of being
    “fixed.” Instead, it simply notices that you may
    have patterns that no longer serve you and that
    you wish to transform. The energy that was
    involved in creating the old patterns is released
    and can be used to create new patterns.

  • Empowering. Any changes that occur originate
    entirely from within the recipient. That person’s
    own life force has an innate intelligence of its
    own. The practitioner simply acts as a catalyst in
    the process.

  • Noninvasive. There is no physical manipulation,
    nor diagnosis, nor any need to discuss personal
    problems or medical history.

  • Gentle and completely safe.

  • Accessible to everyone, and easy to learn and
    integrate into everyday life.

The Metamorphic Association is a United
Kingdom–based registered charity (Charity No.
326525) with an international presence. It func-
tions as a network of people who support each
other in learning, sharing, exploring, practicing,
promoting and teaching the Metamorphic Tech-
nique. As members of the association, they have a
common goal: “to promote good health and well-
being through awareness, understanding and use of
the Metamorphic Technique in the UK and interna-
tionally and to uphold standards in practicing and
teaching the technique.” The Metamorphic Associ-
ation address is P.O. Box 32368, London SW17 8YB.

miasm In homeopathic medicine, an underlying
pattern of dysfunction that creates and maintains
chronic disease processes and their recurrences.
The three miasms formulated by Samuel Hahne-
mann are psora, sycosis, and syphilis. A psoric
miasmic pattern refers to itching (e.g., psoriasis),
especially skin disorders. A sycotic miasm refers to
gonorrhea and other disorders involving mucous
membranes. A syphilitic miasm is associated with

vital organs and structures of the body, exemplified
particularly by syphilis, a venereal disease that
eventually destroys all the bodily systems.

mind-body connection The relationship between
the physiological and psychological aspects of the
human being, for example, how stress, depression,
fatigue, exposure to environmental factors, and
other general emotional conditions are manifested
in dysfunction and disease. The former section chief
at the National Institute of Mental Health, Candace
Pert, Ph.D., of Rutgers University, who discovered
the neurochemical substances known as neuropep-
tides, encouraged research on neuropeptides. A
common example is endorphins, the body’s natu-
rally produced form of morphine, which are both
pain-relieving and euphoria-inducing. Alternative
and integrative medicine modalities have embraced
the mind-body concept as the most significant
premise for wide-ranging holistic treatments,
including acupuncture, numerous forms of body-
work, bioenergetic therapy, and other methods.

molecular nutrition The application of biochemi-
cal and physiological approaches to the understand-
ing of nutrient function and metabolism in systems
ranging from the whole animal to the molecular
level. Nutrition is a natural science that has a funda-
mental biological basis. Nutrition-related intracellu-
lar processes and pathways have far-reaching
implications for human nutrition, nutrient-regu-
lated cell processes, and gene-nutrient interactions,
all believed to be vital for human health and
longevity. To study such processes and pathways
requires a critical knowledge of biochemistry and
physiology combined with a fundamental back-
ground in basic sciences. The headquarters of The
International Society for Molecular Nutrition and
Therapy (ISMNT) is the Molecular Cardiology
Laboratory Department of Internal Medicine and
Cardiology, Philipps University of Marburg, Karl-
von-Frisch-Str. 1 35033 Marburg, Germany, or Tel
011 49 6421 286 5032; Fax 011 49 6421 286 8964;

molecular nutrition 85
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