Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

and possess a degree. In addition, they have completed well over one hundred hours of
business courses specifically for CPAs. Beyond this, they will have worked for at least
one year under the supervision of a CPA before being eligible to take the CPA exam and
obtain their license. Needless to say, a professional who has gone through this process has
some valuable knowledge. With that knowledge comes a price tag, and you can expect to
pay more for the services of a CPA than for a regular accountant and certainly more than
for a bookkeeper.
Your accountant can provide a variety of services to help keep your musical enterprise
safe, profitable, and growing. Some of these include:

  • Designing and setting up your accounting system

  • Preparing, clarifying, and reviewing financial statements and reports

  • Performing various financial calculations and projections

  • Aiding you in drafting the financial section of your business plan

  • Providing advice for major purchases such as equipment, sound boards and the gener-
    ally expensive stuff

  • Providing tax planning and strategies

  • Preparing tax returns

  • Aiding you in obtaining loans

  • Providing detailed financial advice for your business

One question that will arise in your search for the right accountant is whether to hire a
large firm, small firm, or independent. Large national or regional firms will offer the most

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