Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

services and have the most experience in specialized financial areas, such as the music in-
dustry. They can also provide a credibility shot in the arm for a band or independent per-

former. When a banker, lender, or even managers, agents and producers learn that you’re
aligned with well-known firm, they may take you a bit more seriously than the group who

uses a member’s self-employed uncle as their accountant.
The downside of using a Hugeo, Mondo and Bigg, CPA is that you may not get the
personal attention you need, or you may have your account assigned to a first-year ac-
countant who may not do the best job for you. Conversely, working with a smaller firm or
independent will bring more attention to your needs from a senior-level partner or owner,
while usually being less costly.
Another factor is how you plan to work with your accountant. Do you envision a very
tight relationship, where you meet at least once each month, or will you only see them at
tax time? Are you seeking general advice for tax planning and financial matters, or do
you need detailed advice and help on a regular basis? There are no right or wrong an-

swers, but having a clear idea of how you will use an accountant’s services will greatly

help you in choosing the right one. Beyond this, it’s important to find one that’s a good
match for your personality and, like the rest of your team, understand the industry and
has some experience with it. They may not become your best friend, but you should at
least like them.

Like your accountant, your attorney is destined to become one of you best business
friends and can be integral to the success and safety of your musical business. But many

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