Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

  • Are there others in the firm who would work on my account or will it only be you?

  • How will I be billed and what are some typical charges?

  • How do you handle client communications? Meetings? Email? Phone?

  • How accessible can I expect you to be?

  • Are you currently handling any of my competitors?

Your final decision will be based on your research, the personal interview, and also

your gut feeling. Gut feelings may not sound very scientific, but they’re often correct. If

an attorney does not sit well with you, even if they gave you all the right answers, there’s
usually a reason. Your attorney will be privy to very personal information about you and
your band. As such, trust is imperative. A certain lawyer may come with stellar testimoni-
als, a spotless background check, and graceful words, but none of that means anything for

you if you don’t feel you can trust them totally.
What your attorney can do for you? Here are some highlights:

  • Help you develop your business plan

  • Draft and review contracts, letters of agreement, and other legal documents

  • Help to settle client, venue or supplier disputes

  • Collect past due fees

  • Negotiate contracts

  • Help get you out of a bad deal

  • Draft and review licensing agreements

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