Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

  • Educate and help you with copyright issues, including infringements, filing forms, and
    negotiating usage rights

  • Be your litigation advisor and advocate

  • Offer advice on your legal problems by telling you what to do or not to do

  • Help to settle disputes for you out of court, saving you time, headaches and expense

  • Represent you in the civil courts

Insurance Agent or Broker
Unless you’re independently wealthy, and even if you are, you’re going to need some
form of insurance to thwart the business risks. Equipment gets stolen, vehicles get into
accidents, along with music industry specific risks such as special event liability insur-
ance, borrowed equipment insurance, life and health, etc.. You need to protect your as-
There are a myriad of insurance products available today that are sold by either an
agent or a broker. An agent represents a specific insurance company and sells only its
products. A broker, on the other hand, represents several companies. Plus, they often offer
advice and recommendations from a more objective point of view in exchange for a com-
mission on the sale. In addition, they can act as your advisor, advocate, and intermediary
when a claim needs to be handled. The majority of insurance brokers are also small busi-
ness owners, so they may be more sensitive to the needs and circumstances of a band or

solo performer since you’re both small businesses.

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