Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

projects roll in. They get busy and begin to put their marketing on the back burner. Then,
the projects are completed and they find themselves needing to start from the beginning
because they lost their momentum. Starting over from scratch, rebuilding a fan base, as
well as media and industry contacts, takes a long time. That is, if can be replicated at all.

In the music business, like other creative industries, you’re only as good as your last gig,

CD, performance or song. When you’ve had an audience and loyal fan base, yet you
failed to keep them engaged and interact with them on various levels, you lose credibility.

Once that’s gone, it’s awfully tough to find it again.
In the service industry, which includes music, the sales curve, or the time it takes to
convert a client from first contact into a paying client can be six to eight months. Some-

times the curve is even longer. A lot longer. That’s a long time to go without revenue. But,

with proper planning and implementation, you’ll stay busy for the long haul.

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