Grigor Doytchinov
5 confer: Булев, Т.: Следвоенното развитие на българската архитектура 1944-2006. Ар-
хитектура София 5 2007, 90-91 (Bulev, T.: The post-war development of the Bulgarian
architecture, 1944 - 2006. In: Arhitektura Sofia 5 2007, 90-91).
6 The competition is announced on 1st December 1944. More than 30 teams with 120 archi-
tects take part in the competition. For more details confer: Tashev, 1972, 41.
7 The development concept and the land use plan for the capital city forecast a population
growth up to 800 000 for the next 30 years. The real growth surpasses the expectations
very soon.
8 The plan is ordered to the Department for Architecture and Urbanism with head L. Tonev
and comes into effect on 6th September 1945 together with a Building Code and a Regu-
lation Law for grouping and complex building-up of plots and quarters in Sofia. Confer:
Labov G.: Contemporary town-planning development. In: Popov, A. a.o. (Ed.): Sofia. 120
years as capital of Bulgaria, Academic Publishing House Sofia 2001, 516-517.
9 confer: Ташев, П.: София – архитектурно–градоустройствено развитие. Техника София
1972, 41-42 (Tashev, P.: Sofia – architectural and urban development. Tehnika Sofia 1972,
10 The soviet architects A. Shtchuseb, N. Baranov, A. Mordvinov, K. Aljabin, N. Belinkin, and
D. Arkin are ordered to consult already the Tonev-plan, 1945. In the last work phase of the
plan from 1947 the soviet architects N. Poljakov and A. Naumov are invited as consul-
tants. Confer: Аврамов (Avramov), 1987, 73, 77.
11 Decree of the Government from November 20th 1951.
12 confer: Лозанов, Г.: Посткомунистически, постархитектурен, постманифест. Архитек-
тура София 2 1994 (Lozanov, G.: Post-communist, post-architectural, post-manifest. In:
Архитектура, Sofia 2 1994).
13 confer: Ташев, (Tashev): 1972, 56.
14 ib.
15 confer: Булев (Bulev), 2007, 92.
16 The changes follow the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist
Party of April 1956. One of the results is the disciplines of architecture and urbanism
leave the ideological sphere.
17 confer: Ditchev, I.: Die Konsumentenschmiede. Versuch über das kommunistische Be-
gehren. In: Groys, B.: Zurück aus der Zukunft. Osteuropäische Kulturen im Zeitalter des
Postkommunismus. Frankfurt 2005.
18 confer: Spacek, R.: Bratislava. In: Ilsinger, R./G. Doytchinov: Öffnung der Grenzen, Haus
der Architektur Graz 2000, 22-31.
19 The Neykov-plan forecasts a population of 900 000 by 1980. The Siromahov-plan envisa-
ges an increase of the population to 1 050 000 by 1980, which turned out to be very close
to the real figures later established, yet it doesn’t foresee the incredibly rapid automobile
transport development. Confer: Аврамов, И.: Съвременно градоустройство в Бълга-
рия, Техника София 1987, 99 (Avramov, I.: Contemporary urbanism in Bulgaria, Tehnika
Sofia 1987, 99).
20 confer: Лабов (Labov), 2001.
21 confer: Ташев (Tashev), 1972 , 56.
22 The Central Market is established historically as a very outstanding diagonal in the ortho-
gonal network of streets. The diagonal is the trace of a former river flow, replaced around
23 confer: Лабов (Labov), 2001.
24 On April 25th 1972 the Council of Ministers orders V. Romenski, later on Chief Architect of
Sofia, to lead the project for the reconstruction of the main city center.
25 The urban core area finds finally its appropriate way of development in the project of N.
Nikolov in 1976.
26 The ICOMOS-Conference takes place in Sofia in 1974.
27 Suggestion for Declaration of the Objects of Architectural Heritage from the Period 1878-
1944, National Institute of Cultural Heritage Preservation, Sofia 1977.
28 confer: Лабов (Labov), 2001.
29 The idea to connect the city center with the mountain Vitosha (National Park, 2 225 m
over the see level) by the green wadge of the Southern Park comes from the pre-war
30 123 contributions from nearly all European countries incl. 15 from Bulgaria are presented.
Confer: Драганов, С./И. Димов: Международен конкурс за сграда на народната опера
в София. Архитектура София 3-4 1974, 36-46 (Draganov, S./I. Dimov: International
competition for the National Opera Building in Sofia. In: Arhitektura Sofia 3-4 1974, 36-46).