Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1

Designing Sofia’s city core in the context of the changing ideological paradigm 1945-1989

31 confer: Попов, С.: Пропуснатите шансове на българската архитектура. In: Архитекту-
ра 6 2001, 54-56 (Popov, S.: The lost chances of the Bulgarian architecture. In.: Arhitek-
tura Sofia 6 2001, 54-56).
32 ib.
33 The large scaled intervention includes the Palace of Culture, the station for the future
underground line, public garages, the square “Bulgaria”, the reconstruction and renewal
of the architectural frame etc.
34 The project for the Cultural Palace is directly ordered to A. Barov. The design of the square
is ordered directly to A. Agura.
35 Typical examples for this late modernism in Sofia are the Boyana Presidency Residence
and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
36 Социологическо изследване за централната част на София. Българска социологиче-
ска асоциация, колектив с ръководител Н. Генов, София 2000 (Sociological study for
Sofia’s city centre. Bulgarian Sociologic Association, team leader N. Genov, Sofia 2000).
37 The direction of the boulevard follows resp. prolongs the trace of the ancient Roman
Cardo to the south.
38 The first small pedestrian zone of Sofia is realized 1976 in front of the National Theater
and is accepted by the population as a social space with a historic frame. The second at-
tempt for a pedestrian street establishing is the boulevard “Car Osvoboditel”, but without
success, because it isn’t really accepted by the people as an area for leisure.
39 In no other socialist country so much large scaled pedestrian zones following the patterns
of the western-European planning practice are realised like in Bulgaria in the 1980’s.
40 confer: Дойчинов, Г.: Пешеходната зона като градоустройствен проблем. Архитек-
тура София 4 1987, 28-29 (Doytchinov, G.: The pedestrian zone as an urban planning
problem. In: Arhitektura Sofia 4 1987, 28-29).
41 The first critical messages and opinions are published in the newspaper “Narodna cultura”
since the beginning of the 1980’s. The circle around the magazine “Sofia” and the public
Club of the Friends of Sofia’s Architecture, presented by persons from the creative sphere,
establishes itself in the 1980’s as a critical instance.
42 confer: Brunnbauer, U.: Die sozialistische Lebensweise. Böhlau Wien 2007.
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