Poetry for Students, Volume 35

(Ben Green) #1

This girlchild was: born as usual
(Barbie Doll) V9:33
This is a litany of lost things, (The
Litany) V24:101–102
This is my letter to the World (This Is
My Letter to the World) V4:233
This is the Arsenal. From floor to
ceiling, (The Arsenal at
Springfield) V17:2
This is the black sea-brute bulling
through wave-wrack
(Leviathan) V5:203
This is the ship of pearl, which, poets
feign, (The Chambered
Nautilus) V24:52–53
This poem is concerned with language
on a very plain level (Paradoxes
and Oxymorons) V11:162
This tale is true, and mine. It tells
(The Seafarer) V8:177
Thou still unravish’d bride of
quietness (Ode on a Grecian
Urn) V1:179
Three days Natasha’d been astray,
(The Bridegroom) V34:26
Three times my life has opened.
(Three Times My Life Has
Opened) V16:213
Time in school drags along with so
much worry, (Childhood) V19:29
to fold the clothes. No matter who
lives (I Stop Writimg the Poem)
To him who in the love of Nature
holds (Thanatopsis)
To replay errors (Daughter-Mother-
Maya-Seeta) V25:83
To weep unbidden, to wake
(Practice) V23:240
Toni Morrison despises (The Toni
Morrison Dreams)
Tonight I can write the saddest lines
(Tonight I Can Write) V11:187
tonite,thrillerwas (Beware: Do Not
Read This Poem) V6:3
Truth be told, I do not want to forget
(Native Guard) V29:183
Turning and turning in the widening
gyre (The Second Coming)
’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
(Jabberwocky) V11:91
’Twas mercy brought me from my
pagan land, (On Being Brought
from Africa to America)
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
(The Road Not Taken) V2:195
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright (The
Tyger) V2:263

wade (The Fish) V14:171
Wailing of a flute, a little drum
(In Music) V35:105
Wanting to say things, (My Father’s
Song) V16:102
We are saying goodbye (Station)
We came from our own country in a
red room (Originally)
We cannot know his legendary head
(Archaic Torso of Apollo)
We could be here. This is the valley
(Small Town with One Road)
We met the British in the dead of winter
(Meeting the British) V7:138
We real cool. We (We Real Cool)
Well, son, I’ll tell you (Mother to
Son) V3:178
What dire offense from amorous
causes springs, (The Rape of the
Lock) V12:202
What happens to a dream deferred?
(Harlem) V1:63
What of the neighborhood homes
awash (The Continuous Life)
What thoughts I have of you tonight,
Walt Whitman, for I walked
down the sidestreets under the
trees with a headache self-
conscious looking at the full
moon (A Supermarket in
California) V5:261
Whatever it is, it must have
(American Poetry) V7:2
When Abraham Lincoln was
shoveled into the tombs, he
forgot the copperheads, and
the assassin...in the dust, in
the cool tombs (Cool Tombs)
When despair for the world grows in
me (The Peace of Wild Things)
When he spoke of where he came
from, (Grudnow) V32:73
When I consider how my light is
spent ([On His Blindness]
Sonnet 16) V3:262
When I die, I want your hands on
my eyes: (Sonnet LXXXIX)
When I go away from you (The Taxi)
When I have fears that I may cease to
be (When I Have Fears that I
May Cease to Be) V2:295

When I heard the learn’d
astronomer, (When I Heard
the Learn’d Astronomer)
When I see a couple of kids (High
Windows) V3:108
When I see birches bend to left and
right (Birches) V13:14
When I was a child (Autobiographia
Literaria) V34:2
When I was born, you waited
(Having it Out with
Melancholy) V17:98
When I was one-and-twenty (When
I Was One-and-Twenty)
When I watch you (Miss Rosie)
When Love with confine ́d wings
(To Althea, From Prison)
When the mountains of Puerto Rico
(We Live by What We See at
Night) V13:240
When the world was created wasn’t it
like this? (Anniversary) V15:2
When they saidCarrickfergusI could
hear (The Singer’s House)
When we two parted (When We Two
Parted) V29:297
When you consider the radiance,
that it does not withhold (The
City Limits) V19:78
When you look through the window
in Sag Harbor and see (View)
When, in disgrace with Fortune
and men’s eyes (Sonnet 29)
Whenever Richard Cory went
down town (Richard Cory)
Where dips the rocky highland (The
Stolen Child) V34:216
While I was gone a war began.
(While I Was Gone a War
Began) V21:253–254
While my hair was still cut straight
across my forehead (The River-
Merchant’s Wife: A Letter)
While the long grain is softening
(Early in the Morning)
While this America settles in the
mould of its vulgarity, heavily
thickening to empire (Shine,
Perishing Republic) V4:161
While you are preparing for sleep,
brushing your teeth, (The
Afterlife) V18:39

Cumulative Index of First Lines

Cumulative Index of First Lines
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