Who has ever stopped to think of
the divinity of Lamont
Cranston? (In Memory of
Radio) V9:144
Whose woods these are I think I
know (Stopping by Woods on a
Snowy Evening) V1:272
Whoso list to hunt: I know where is
an hind. (Whoso List to Hunt)
Why should I let the toadwork
(Toads) V4:244
With thorns, she scratches
(Uncoiling) V35:277
You are small and intense (To a
Child Running With Out-
stretched Arms in Canyon de
Chelly) V11:173
You can’t hear? Everything here is
changing. (The River Mumma
Wants Out) V25:191
You do not have to be good. (Wild
Geese) V15:207
You should lie down now and
remember the forest, (The
Forest) V22:36–37
You stood thigh-deep in water and
green light glanced (Lake)
You were never told, Mother, how
old Illya was drunk (The
Czar’s Last Christmas Letter)
Cumulative Index of First Lines