Vegan Indian Cooking: 140 Simple and Healthy Vegan Recipes

(Axel Boer) #1

bought version. Keep in mind that the
yogurt you make will take on the taste
and quality of the culture you are using,
so don’t use if it’s old or sour.)

  1. Return the mixture back to the slow
    cooker and stir gently.

  2. Replace the lid and wrap the towel or
    blanket around the slow cooker to keep
    the contents warm. Let it sit for 8 hours.
    At this point, the yogurt should settle.
    Enjoy it blended into smoothies, with
    fruit, or made savory with grated
    veggies and salt and pepper. This also
    makes a wonderful base for lassi, an
    Indian yogurt-based drink.

To make this dish in a 5-quart (4.74-L)

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