Vegan Indian Cooking: 140 Simple and Healthy Vegan Recipes

(Axel Boer) #1

size of a quarter. Roll it thin, into a
circle about 6 inches (15 cm) in
diameter. This part is key. The thinner
you can get it (without the filling pushing
through later), the crispier your samosa
will be. While you are rolling out the
dough, keep the remaining portion in
plastic wrap or under a slightly damp
paper towel to help keep it moist.

  1. With a sharp knife, slice the circle in
    half, making 2 half-moon shapes. This
    will make 2 samosas.

  2. Dip your finger in the bowl of water
    and moisten the edge of the straight side.

  3. Pick up one edge of the half circle
    and bring it to the other edge, creating an
    ice-cream cone shape. Gently press the

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