Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
Rädhä, alsoRädhikä
The favourite GOPÏof Kø•æa, wife of
Ayana Gho•a, a cowherd of Vøndävana.
Rädhä is seen as the earthly appearance
of LAKÆMÏ. She is the focus of attention
in GAU¥IYA VAIÆŒAVISM, at one and the
same time mediatrix and role model for
devotees. A large literature has devel-
oped around her and her worship even
outshines that of Kø•æa among the
Rädhä-Vallabhis. She is the epitome of
passionate devotion. (See alsoCAITANYA.)

Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli
Born in Tirutani, Tamilnäõü and edu-
cated in Christian schools and colleges,
he rose not only to the highest office in
the Republic of India (vice-president
1952–62; president 1962–67) but also
became the most prominent and best-
known exponent of Hinduism in the
modern world. Beginning with an MA
thesis on ‘The Ethics of Vedänta’, he
systematially explored and explained
Hinduism in a large number of English
publications, such as History of Indian
Philosophy, The Hindu View of Life
and Eastern Religions and Western
Thought. He had a distinguished acade-
mic career in India as professor of phi-
losophy at the universities of Mysore
and Calcutta, as vice-chancellor of
Andhra University and Benares Hindu

University, and was Spalding Professor
of Eastern Religions at Oxford
(1931–36). He also served as India’s
representative at UNESCO (1946–52),
where he took a leading role in organiz-
ing important conferences. He was
among the first to plead for dialogue
among religions.

Radhasoami Satsang
Sect founded by Siv Dayal Singh in the
mid-19th century, who declared Radha-
soami, ‘Lord of the Soul’, to be the only
appropriate name of God. Its teaching
consists in guiding the aspirant through
the lower reaches of the cosmos into
higher realms of reality. Several branch-
es split off from the original foundation,
which adds the name ‘Beas’ to identify

Musical mode, personified as male,
with rägiæï as consort, often illustrated
in miniatures (Rägamälä).

rägänuga bhakti
(‘passionate devotion’)
A highly emotional form of BHAKTI
developed by the CAITANYAschool of
GAU¥ÏYA VAIÆŒAVISM, in which the
passionate absorption in Kø•æa of the
GOPÏSof Vøndävana provides the model.


Encyclo - Letter R 10/2/03 9:57 am Page 146

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