Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
147 Räma

Räma, a descendant of RAGHU.

A king of the solar race and an ancestor
of RÄMA. KÄLIDÄSAwrote the celebrated
epic poem Raghuvamÿa, the genealogy
of Raghu and the life of Räma.

A mythical monster that consists of a
disembodied head, and causes eclipses
by swallowing the sun and the moon.

Rahu käla (‘Rahu-time’)
An inauspicious time. It varies from day
to day, and no new or risky untertaking
should be commenced during this period.

Räïdäs, alsoRavidäs
(15th century)
A BHAKTIpoet from the cämär (tanner)
CASTE, who became the founder of a sect
that perpetuates his memory. He took
pride in showing the right way to brah-
mins, in spite of being an OUTCASTE. He
has become a hero of the DALITS.

Rules of life for a king, prescribing a
king’s duties. There is a famous Räja-
dharma section in the Ÿäntiparvan of
the Mahäbhärata, and there are sepa-
rate works on it as well.

another name for the KÆATRIYAcaste.


räja-süya (‘royal sacrifice’)
A great sacrifice celebrated at the instal-
lation of a king, at which all vassals had

to be present to acknowledge the sover-
eignty of the newly consecrated monarch.

Räja Yoga

rak•aka (‘saviour’)
A designation of VIÆŒU, whose essence
is salvation.

A goblin, evil spirit, fiend, an enemy of
the ÄRYAS. They play a major role in
Hindu literature as disturbers of peace
and as a constant threat to sages in their
forest retreats.

Raktadantä (‘red-toothed’)
An epithet of DURGÄ.

Räma, alsoRämacandra
The oldest son of king Daÿaratha, ruler
of Ayodhyä. According to traditional
historians he lived c. 3800–3700 BCEHe
is considered to have been the seventh

Räma with Sïtä.

Encyclo - Letter R 10/2/03 9:57 am Page 147

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