Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
Udäyana (10th century)
Author of Nyäyakusumañjäli, a
celebrated text.

ud-bhava (‘appearance’)
This applies especially to the appear-
ance of Ÿiva from within the Ÿivaliöga
(Ÿivaliögodbhava, often represented in
art) or other objects. (See also LIŒGA(3).)

A teacher identified in the Chäæõogya
Upani•adas the author of a new cos-
mology. His son ŸVETAKETU figures
prominently in the Upani•ads and the
Ÿathapatha Brähmaæa. His other son,
NACIKETAS, became famous for his dia-
logues with YAMA, as reported in the
Kaflha Upani•ad. Among his students

Kø•æa’s cousin, counsellor and friend,
mentioned in the Bhägavatam.

A city in Karæätaka state, headquarters
of the Madhva saƒpradäya(sect), seat
of its supreme pontiff. The change of
pontiff which takes place every twelve
years is a major occasion in Uõipï. (See

King of Mathurä. He was deposed by
KAߟA, and reinstated by Kø•æa, who
killed Kaƒÿa.

Ujjainï (‘victorious’)
One of the seven ancient sacred cities, in
Central India, a Ÿiva sanctuary, the site
of the Amareÿvara LI¢GA(3). It is one of
the four places where the KUMBHAMELA
is celebrated every 12 years. It was the
capital of Vikramäditya, and famous
for its astronomical observatory. Hindu
astronomers use the longitude of Ujjainï
as their first meridian.

Ujjvala Nïlämaæi
(‘burning sapphire’)
The title of a celebrated work by
RÜPA GOSVÄMI, dealing with mä-
dhuryabhakti, the highest form of
devotion according to the GAU¥ÏYA

Ul, alsoUl vinai
(Tamil, ‘fate’, ‘destiny’)
A major factor in Tamil folk religion,
addressed in the TIRUKKURAL as the
greatest power.

Umä (‘light’)
Another name for SATÏ, Ÿiva’s consort.


Encyclo - Letter U 10/2/03 10:01 am Page 191

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