Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
(‘lord of Umä’, ‘Uma’s husband’)
A frequent designation of Ÿiva.

unborn (aja)
An epithet of the ultimate, ÄTMANand

universe (jagat; viÿva)
The Hindu universe, as described in the
Puräæas, is geocentric: the earth is the
centre, but not the best part of it; it is
suitable only for ‘work’, for gaining lib-
eration from saƒsära. The universe as a
whole is encompassed by the shell of the
WORLD EGG, 500 million yojanas in
diameter. Inside this egg there are con-
centric layers of firm continents sur-
rounded by oceans containing different
liquids. It contains the heavens of the
various deities as well as the nether-
worlds and the hells. Most Hindu
schools of thought accept a periodic
creation and destruction of the universe
in a succession of world ages (kalpas)
and they also assume the simultaneous
existence of a multitude of parallel uni-
verses. (See also COSMOLOGY; DVÏPA;

unreality (1)
In logic, abhäva(non-existence), accept-
ed by some schools as a separate entity.

unreality (2)
In Vedänta, asat(ya), the whole of finite
beings, in contrast to sat(ya)(reality)
which by definition must be unchang-
ing, eternal and conscious.



untruth (anøta)
The opposite of ØTA, the right order of
things; it is seen as destructive and a
negative power.

upadeÿa (‘instruction’)
The teaching of a GURU.

(‘thousand instructions’)
The title of a popular ADVAITAwork,
attributed to ŸA¢KARA(2).

upadhyäya (‘teacher’)
Used today as the Indian equivalent of
the academic title ‘doctor’.

upamäna, alsoupamiti
Analogy. One of the acknowledged

Initiation. Upanayanais given only to
members of the three upper CASTES(usu-
ally only to boys). Its outward sign is
the JANËU (sacred thread). (See also

Derived from upa (near), ni (down), sad
(sit), this is the designation of the fourth
and last part of the VEDAS(also called
VEDÄNTA) containing mystical teachings.
It is the basis of the jñänamärga and
Vedänta darÿana. The so-called ‘principal
Upani•ads’ are Bøhadäraæyaka, Chäö-
õogya, Ïÿa, Kena, Aitareya, Taittirïyä,
Kauÿïtaki, Kaflha, Muæõaka, Ÿveta-
ÿvatara, Praÿna, Maitri, and Mäæõukya.
The traditional number of Upani•ads is

  1. Several hundred Upani•ads are
    known, some of very recent origin such
    as an Allah Upani•ad and a Khrist
    Upani•ad. The Upani•ads belong to the
    prasthäna-trayï, and every Vedänta

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