Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
äcärya (master) had to write a commen-
tary on the principal Upani•ads, the first
and longest being that by ŸAŒKARA(2).

upa-pätakas (‘lesser sins’)
In contrast to MAHÄ-PÄTAKAS (great
sins), breaches of DHARMAthat can be
atoned for relatively easily. (See also

Upa-puräæas (‘lesser Puräæas’)
In contrast to the MAHÄ-PURÄŒAS(great
Puräæas). The classification is not
always unambiguous. Thus ŸÄKTAS
classify the Devïbhägavatam as a
Mahäpuräæa, while VAIÆŒAVASconsider
it an Upapuräæa.


upaväsa (‘fasting’)
A very popular form of penance. There
are a number of fast days in the Hindu
CALENDAR, varying from saƒpradäya
(sect) to saƒpradäya. In its strict sense it
entails total abstinence from food and
drink. Often it is understood as a restric-

tion of one’s diet, either quantitatively
or qualitatively. Many Hindus untertake
fasting in fulfilment of vows. GANDHI
undertook ‘fasts unto death’ several
times in an attempt to move rioting
Muslims and Hindus to reconciliation.

(‘lesser’ or ‘complementary’ Vedas)
The four traditional arts and sciences: (1)
Ayurveda (medicine); (2) Gandharvaveda
(music and dancing); (3) Dhanurveda
(archery, martial arts); (4) Sthäpatyaveda

The dawn, daughter of heaven and sis-
ter of the ÄDITYAS, praised in the Vedas
for her charms and her immortality.

utsava (‘feast’)
Especially a temple feast. The utsava-
bera is the processional IMAGE of a
temple which is taken out on feast days.

Uttara Mïmäƒsä
(‘later Mïƒäƒsä’)

193 Uttara Mïmäƒsä

Encyclo - Letter U 10/2/03 10:01 am Page 193

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