Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
Värkarïs 198

was constructed in 1783 by Ränï
Ahalyabäï. Many Hindus come to
Väräæasï to die in the hope of finding
instant liberation from rebirth. Besides
its many traditional places of Hindu
learning, Väräæasï is the seat of the
Käshï Sanskrit Vidyäpïth and the
Benares Hindu University.
Väräæasï has been the object of
much literature, ancient and modern.
One of the most extensive descriptions
of ancient Väräæasï is found in the
Käÿïkhaæõa of the Skandha Puräæa.
Väräæasï has been praised in countless
hymns and poems throughout the ages.


A name, designating affiliation with the
K•atriya VARŒA.

varæa (‘colour’)
The largest social unit, based on birth.
The four varæas are Brähmaæas (priests,
scholars, counsellors), K•atriyas (sol-
diers, administrators, nobles), Vaiÿyas
(landowners, businesspeople, artisans)
and Ÿüdras (servants, landless labour-
ers, menials).

varæäÿrama dharma
The (Hindu) law regulating the rights
and duties of the four VARŒASaccording
to their station in life (ÄŸRAMA(2)), con-
sidered binding for all members of
Hindu society. (See alsoSOCIAL ORDER.)

varta (‘economy’)
One of the focal points of Hindu state-
craft (the other being daæõa, justice, the
power of punishment).

A major Vedic deity, associated with
creation and the upholding of law.

Varuæa is the ruler of the universe, con-
troller of the destiny of humankind. His
consort is Väruæï, the goddess of wine.

Spring, also personified as a deity.

Vasi•flha (‘wealthiest’)
A Vedic ØÆI(sage), composer of many
hymns. He is one of the seven great ø•is
and one of the ten PRAJÄPATIS. As owner
of Kämadhenu, the ‘cow of plenty’, he
could obtain all wishes. A law book is
also attributed to him. In the Veda
Vasi•flha appears as family priest of king
Sudäs and as the enemy of his rival
Viÿvamitra. The name Vasi•flha occurs
frequently in the epics and Puräæas, and
not all the stories connected with this
name agree with the Vedic tradition.
There is also a Väsi•flha Rämäyaæa(also
known as Yogävasi•flha) which offers a
philosophical, advaitic rewriting of
the epic.

A figure in the shape of a person
enclosed by a quadrangle, subdivided
into a number of smaller squares, used
as the basic ground plan for the con-
struction of a TEMPLE.


The eight Vasus are described in the
Øgvedaas attendants of INDRA: Äpa
(water), Dhruva (the pole star), Soma
(the moon), Dhara (earth), Anila
(wind), Anala (fire), Prabhäsa (dawn),
Pratyü•a (light). They are also called
Aditi’s children.

The son of Ÿura of the YÄDAVAclan of
the lunar dynasty, father of Kø•æa. He

Encyclo - Letter V 10/2/03 10:03 am Page 198

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