Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1

Aiyangar, S.K. Some Contributions of South India to Indian Culture. Calcutta,
Calcutta University, 1942
Aiyar, C.P. Ramaswamy Fundamentals of Hindu Faith and Culture.
Trivandrum, Government Press, 1944
Altekar, A.D. The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization from Prehistoric
Times to the Present Day. Benares, Motilal Banarsidass, 1956
Altekar, A.D. State and Government in Ancient India. Delhi, Motilal
Banarsidass, 1962 (4th edn)
Auboyer, J. Daily Life in Ancient India from Approximately 200 BC to AD 700.
New York, Macmillan, 1965.
Basham, A.L. The Wonder that was India. New York, Grove Press, 1959
Bhattacharya, H. (gen. ed.) The Cultural Heritage of India, 6 vols. Calcutta,
Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, 1957–62 (2nd edn)
Brockington, J.L. The Sacred Thread. Hinduism in its Continuity and Diversity.
Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1981
Carpenter, J.E. Theism in Mediaeval India. London, Constable & Co., 1921
Carstairs, G.M. The Twice-Born. London, Hogarth Press, 1957
Diksitar, V.R. Studies in Tamil Literature and History. London, Luzac, 1930
Dowson, J. A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion,
Geography, History and Literature. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1961
Farqhar, J.N. An Outline of the Religious Literature of India. Benares, Motilal
Banarsidass, 1967 (repr.)
Filliozat, J. The Classical Doctrine of Indian Medicine: Its Origins and its
Greek Parallels, trans. D. R. Chanama, Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal, 1964
Fuller, C.J. The Camphor Flame: Popular Hinduism and Society in India.
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1992
Ghoshal, U.N. A History of Indian Political Ideas: The Ancient Period and the
Period of Transition to the Middle Ages. Oxford, Oxford University Press,
1959 (3rd edn)
Heimann, B. Facets of Indian Thought. London, Allen & Unwin, 1964
Hutton, J.H. Caste in India: Its Nature, Function and Origins. Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 1961 (3rd edn)

Thematic Bibliography

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