7.3 Solutions 423
wherec 1 is another constant.
k log 3. 36 +log(1622×365)=c 1 (2)
k log 3. 85 +log 138=c 1 (3)
Solving (2) and (3),k= 61 .46 andc 1 = 36 .5. Using the values ofkandc 1
in (1) 61.46 log 6. 97 +logT= 36. 5
Solving forT, we findT= 4. 79 × 10 −^16 days= 4. 14 × 10 −^11 s
7.105 Forα-decay we use the equation
λ= 1 /τ= 1021 exp(− 2 πzZ/ 137 β)(1)
T 1 / 2 (1)/T 1 / 2 (2)=τ 1 /τ 2 =exp(2πzZ 1 / 137 β 1 )/exp(2πzZ 2 / 137 β 2 )(2)
For 88 Ra^226 decay putZ 1 =86 for the daughter nucleus,z=2forα-particle
andβ 1 =(2E/Mc^2 )^1 /^2 =(2× 4. 9 /3728)^1 /^2 = 0. 05127
For 90 Th^226 decay, putZ 2 =88 for daughter nucleus andz=2forα-particle
andβ 2 =(2× 6. 5 /3728)^1 /^2 = 0. 05905
Using the values in (2), we find
τ 1 /τ 2 = 5. 19 × 107
7.3.11 Beta-Decay ....................................
7.106 The selection rules for allowed transitions inβ-decay are:
ΔI= 0
Ii= 0 →If=0 allowed
Δπ= 0
Fermi Rule
ΔI= 0 ,± 1
Ii= 0 →Ii=0 forbidden
Δπ= 0
whereIis the nuclear spin andπis the parity. In view of the above selection
rules the first transition is Fermi transition, the second one Gamow–Teller
transition. The third one occurs between two mirror nuclei^17 F and^17 Oin
which the proton number and neutron number are interchanged. The con-
figuration of nucleus is very much similar in such nuclei, consequently the
wave functions are nearly identical. This leads to a large value for the overlap
integral. The log ft value for such transitions is small being in the range of
3–3.7. These are characterized by
ΔI= 0 ,±1 andΔπ=0. The given transition^17 F→^17 O is an example of
superallowed transition.
7.107 If the number of^23 Mg nuclides isN 0 att=0, then at time t the number
decayed will be
N=N 0 [1−exp(−λt)] (1)
Att=t 1 ,N 1 =N 0 [1−exp(−λt)] (2)
Att=t 2 ,N 2 =N 0 [1−exp(−λt)] (3)