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(Nora) #1

Make sure you have a secondary CTA so you don’t lose them. Give them
the opportunity to sign up for a newsletter, be added to your mailing list,
or maybe download a free white paper or e-book you have provided on
your site. These are great ways to get your visitor to take one step closer
to completing the buying cycle. Every visitor is a data-mining opportu-
nity, so don’t pass it up.

YoU neeD to Be AvAIlABle AnD ResPonsIve

Have you ever called a company, only to be walked through what feels
like an endless array of one phone prompt after another, and then you
have to listen to the complete menu to determine which selection is the
best for your particular need? Sometimes it’s a guessing game.

Do you remember how frustrated you get when you go through that ex-
perience and you think, “Can I just please speak to a live person?” Well,
your website customers are also looking for quick attention. That’s one
of the reasons people use the Internet, to get immediate information.

Your website enables you to be available to them even when you are
sleeping. But, for those instances when there is a specific piece of in-
formation your website visitor cannot find, they may ask you for some-
thing via your “Contact Us” page.

While most website visitors will understand it may take a reasonable
amount of time to respond to their specific inquiry, your prompt atten-
tion does make an impression. If they request more information, you
will make a big impression on them if they receive the information
within minutes or hours instead of days.

If they request to be contacted, you have the opportunity to “pull” them
closer to completing the sales cycle by being available and responsive
to their inquiries. There are also many auto-responders that you can in-
clude on your website that will make your response to their inquiry im-
mediate. Customers like prompt attention and you can give it to them
through your well- thought-out, marketing-oriented website.

The bottom line is that if sales are important to your business, you need
to have a marketing- oriented website that creates a persuasive aware-
ness of how you can benefit the potential customer who visits your site.
If your site is weak or void of an effective marketing strategy, you are

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