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(Nora) #1

YoU neeD to DRIve vIsItoRs to PURChAse

Once you get customers to your website, you need to be able to drive
them to purchase your product or service or the reason for your website
is really in vain. Driving people to purchase will require you to under-
stand your customer’s needs, wants and desires.

What are their hot buttons and how can you use that information to push
(or pull) them toward your product? Actually, there is overwhelming re-
search to indicate customers don’t want to be “pushed” into a purchase,
but they are much more responsive to being “pulled” into a buying rela-
tionship with a business.

Pulling a client is accomplished by offering them something that at-
tracts them to you. Your website is the mechanism. You need to provide
the content on your website that will make you “attractive” to them.
Understanding your clients and how to “pull” them toward a purchase
will take time and a lot of trial and error. There isn’t a “one size fits all”
methodology when it comes to getting the customer to click the “buy”
button. You will have to customize your method and strategy based on
your unique customer and their unique buying practices.

YoU neeD A CAll to ACtIon (CtA)

Your CTA should be short and action oriented. Your visitors need to
know exactly what you want them to do within seconds of arriving on
your site. Your product or service will greatly influence the “Action”
process that will best help you make your website visitor a buying

EBay is a great example of simplified CTA. Have you seen their “Buy It
Now” link? It is a very simple call to action and they make it very con-
venient by placing the link in a very visible spot in relation to the item
being considered for purchase.

Keep in mind that not all your potential customers visiting your site will
be at the same stage of the buying cycle. As a result, you will need a
primary CTA, as well as a secondary CTA. As I alluded to earlier, you
may want your client to buy, but they may not be ready to click the “add
to cart” or “buy it now” button. They may be very interested, but still
have reasons to wait.

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