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(Nora) #1

Thomas Homer-Dixon called the space between a challenge and a so-
lution “ingenuity gap.” You are called to show up here daily. Smooth
routine is the enemy of ingenuity because whenever you meet problems,
ingenuity gets you solutions.

How do you exercise ingenuity?

  1. Resourcefulness. Turn off your conscious, rational, logical
    mind and get out of the way.

  2. Challenge the status quo. When facing apparently insurmount-
    able problems, smooth routine stops you challenging your be-
    liefs and assumptions.

  3. Be willing to experiment. Even a failed experiment will teach
    you something useful.

  4. Abandon or reject the traditional and conventional. Change
    your thinking paradigm to get the creative juices into that gap.

  5. Be unique and stand out or apart. Doing things like everyone
    else limits your advantage.

Setting your business or brand apart from the competition means finding
a new approach. Being entrepreneurial implies testing new waters, risk-
ing innovative ideas and finding better ways to do things.

If you are stuck, you need ingenuity. Do something different, unusual,
or illogical in spite your rational mind’s arguments against stepping out
of routine.

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