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About Sue

Sue Hines is “The Entrepreneur’s Astrologer” and CEO of Aspects
Galore. A life-long seeker and student of the art of finding
meaning and purpose in life, Sue applies three decades of
experience in marketing and consulting to help entrepreneurs
find the center and bring out the best in their brands.

Sue uses astrology as a tool to guide entrepreneurs in gaining fresh perspective,
insight and motivation to enhance their magical powers of choice. In the context
of greater understanding, their confidence grows and decisions become easier as
priorities become clearer. She employs astrology’s wisdom to help them understand
their potentialities and characteristics so their actions become more purposeful and
meaningful. She guides them in the framing of their brand’s positioning as unique,
differentiated and of verifiable value – so they attract the business they want and
lifestyle they desire.

Fascinated by the unique qualities of each person, Sue works with the one-of-a-kind
spirit in business owners to bring out their highest potential. She helps them find
and express their own particular form of vibrant, authentic living and seeks to serve
entrepreneurs through her own brand of inspiring, teaching, healing and entertaining.

Sue hosts Bright Star Café, a weekly radio program on astrology and positive living
on the CBS station, NewSky Radio. She is a published poet, has been a Reiki Master
since 1998, and feels graced with the divine whisper of discontent – constantly chal-
lenging, always growing and becoming more. This is the gift she loves to share with

To download the free Special Report, “Entrepreneur’s Archetypes of Success: Lever-
aging The 9 Qualities” or to learn more about The Entrepreneur’s Astrologer and how
you can gain a whole new perspective for yourself and your business, visit:
Or call Sue Hines at +805-277-3581.

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